Rich Communication Services RCS Text Global

SMS is one of the most traditional means of communication that is still used widely today. It is effective and cost-reliable, which is why many companies use SMS as part of their marketing strategy. But, technology moves very fast in the 21st century, and the traditional means of communication must keep up if they want to stay relevant. For SMS, this is where rich communication services (RCS) step in. Let’s discuss exactly what this new

Abandoned Cart SMS Triggers

Missing out on sales is every retailers worst nightmare! But what can be done to nudge a customer across the line to complete their order? Most brands are sending abandoned cart email notification which is ok. The open rates for email are limited though at around 15% – 30%.  Something that’s 5x more effective is reminding customer’s of the items left in their cart by SMS text message. And including a direct URL to complete the

Payday SMS Text Offer Text Global

Payday is a much-anticipated day for employees worldwide, as this is the day, they get paid for all their hard work. This also comes with a lot of serotonin and joy, so people want to spend their money on whatever makes them happy at the moment. As a business owner, this is your time to shine. Read on to find out how exactly you can make the most of payday with a payday SMS text

Text Global SMS API Gateway Service Texts

As a business owner, you must know that communication with customer’s is essential. Whether this is to let them know of an upcoming promotion or asking their opinion on a product, a customer must always feel appreciated and informed. The best way to do this is by sending an SMS. Nowadays, no one reads promotional emails, and paper mail is outdated. But, this doesn’t mean you must send each of these texts by yourself. Instead,

Text Global Christmas Xmas SMS Text Marketing

  Santa Claus is coming to town! And as a business owner, you know what that means; it is time to start promoting. Christmas is the season of giving and getting, so there is a lot of potentials for your sales to go up. All you need to do is get started on your Christmas SMS marketing campaign.   So how can businesses use Christmas SMS Marketing to increase profits during this holiday season? This

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