Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
Boost Your Online Sales with SMS Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Boost Your Online Sales with SMS Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an online ecommerce business owner, we know how important it is to maximise your online sales. That’s why many brands are turning to SMS text marketing. While email marketing is still a valuable tool, SMS marketing offers a more direct and immediate way to reach customers. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use SMS marketing to increase your online sales.

Introduction to SMS Marketing and Its Benefits for Ecommerce Businesses

SMS marketing involves sending text messages to your subscribers’ mobile phones. These messages can be used to promote products, communicate sales, and build brand awareness. SMS marketing has several benefits for ecommerce businesses.

Firstly, SMS messages have a higher open rate than emails. According to Mobile Marketing Watch, 98% of text messages are opened, compared to just 20% of emails. This means that your message is more likely to be seen and read by your subscribers.

Secondly, SMS messages have a higher response rate than emails. A study by Velocify found that SMS messages have a response rate of 45%, compared to just 6% for emails. This means that your message is more likely to generate a sale or lead.

Lastly, SMS marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your customers. SMS platforms are relatively inexpensive and can be used to reach a large audience quickly.

Understanding the Online Sales Funnel and How SMS Marketing Fits In

To effectively use SMS marketing to increase your online sales, it’s important to understand the online sales funnel. The online sales funnel is a model that describes the customer journey from awareness to purchase.

The funnel consists of four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action. SMS marketing can be used at each stage of the funnel to move customers closer to a purchase.

At the awareness stage, SMS marketing can be used to introduce your brand and products to potential customers. For example, you could offer a discount to new subscribers to encourage them to make their first purchase.

At the interest stage, SMS marketing can be used to provide more information about your products and services. For example, you could send a text message with a link to a product page or a video review.

At the decision stage, SMS marketing can be used to offer incentives to encourage customers to make a purchase. For example, you could offer a time-limited discount code to customers who have abandoned their cart.

At the action stage, SMS marketing can be used to confirm the purchase and provide order updates. For example, you could send a text message to confirm the order and provide a tracking number.

Creating an SMS Marketing Plan to Increase Online Sales

To effectively use SMS marketing to increase your online sales, you need to have a plan. Here are the steps to create an SMS marketing plan:

Step 1: Set Your Goals

The first step is to set your goals. What do you want to achieve with your SMS marketing campaign? Do you want to increase sales, generate leads, or build brand awareness? Set specific and measurable goals to track your progress.

Step 2: Define Your Audience

The second step is to define your audience. Who are you targeting with your SMS marketing campaign? What are their interests and behaviours? Use customer data to create targeted SMS messages that resonate with your audience.

Step 3: Choose Your SMS Marketing Platform

The third step is to choose your SMS marketing platform. There are several SMS platforms available, each with its own features and pricing. Choose a platform that fits your budget and meets your marketing needs.

Step 4: Create Your SMS Messages

The fourth step is to craft your SMS messages. Your messages should be short, clear, and persuasive. Use action-oriented language and include a clear call-to-action to encourage customers to take action.

Step 5: Create Your SMS Campaign

The fifth step is to create your SMS campaign. Set a schedule for your messages and segment your audience to send targeted messages. Test your messages to optimise your campaign for maximum impact.

Building Your SMS Subscriber List

Before you can start sending SMS messages, you need to build your subscriber list. Here are some tips to build your SMS subscriber list:

Tip 1: Offer Incentives

Offer an incentive, such as a discount or free gift, to encourage customers to sign up for your SMS list.

Tip 2: Promote Your SMS List

Promote your SMS list on your website, social media channels, and email campaigns. Make it easy for customers to sign up.

Tip 3: Use Keywords

Use keywords to allow customers to opt-in to your SMS list. For example, customers can text “SALE” to 88400 to receive updates on sales and promotions.

Creating Effective SMS Marketing Messages

Crafting effective SMS marketing messages is essential to maximise your online sales. Here are some tips to craft effective SMS messages:

Tip 1: Keep it Short

SMS messages have a 160-character limit, so keep your messages short and to the point.

Tip 2: Use Urgency

Use urgency to encourage customers to take action. For example, “Limited time offer! Get 20% off now!” or “Sales Ends Midnight!” or “Be quick, items selling fast & limited stock”.

Tip 3: Personalise Your Messages

Personalise your messages with the customer’s name or previous purchase history to increase engagement. Inserting the customer’s #FirstName# as a merge field allows you each message to be personalised to that specific individual.

Choosing the Best SMS Marketing Platform for Your Business

Choosing the best SMS marketing platform for your business is essential to maximise your online sales. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an SMS marketing platform:

Factor 1: Pricing

Consider the pricing of the SMS platform. Look for platforms that offer flexible pricing plans to fit your budget. Here at Text Global we only use direct tier 1 routes to deliver our messages at the lowest cost in the UK.

Factor 2: Features

Consider the features of the SMS platform. Look for platforms that offer features such as segmentation, automation, conversion tracking, custom short URL domains and analytics. The Text Global Enterprise Platform provides all of the above.

Factor 3: Integration

Consider the integration of the SMS platform with your other ecommerce marketing channels. Look for platforms that integrate with your email marketing, social media, and other channels. Text Global has tons of application plug-in into the likes of Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento and many more.

Measuring the Success of Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

Measuring the success of your SMS marketing campaigns is essential to optimise your campaigns for maximum impact. Here are some metrics to track:

Metric 1: Delivery rate

Track the delivery rate of your SMS messages to see how many messages are delivering to handset. Having a poor delivery rate means you’re wasting money on messages that customers aren’t being received.

Metric 2: Click-Through Rate

Track the click-through rate of your SMS messages to see how many subscribers are taking action. Using the Text Global Custom Short Domain tool allows brands to track how many clicks and who is clicking your links.

Metric 3: Conversion Rate

Track the conversion rate of your SMS messages to see how many subscribers are making a purchase. Simply use a discount code or Google UTM link within the SMS text message.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing to Boost Online Sales

To maximise your online sales with SMS marketing, here are some best practices to follow:

Best Practice 1: Be Clear and Concise

Keep your messages clear and concise to avoid confusion and increase engagement. Use line breaks to separate key parts of the text messages, making the message much easier to read. Also, don’t over use capitalisation of words within the text messages.

Best Practice 2: Use a Clear Call-to-Action

Include a clear call-to-action in your messages to encourage customers to take action. For example, “Shop Now >>” or “Click here to shop >”

Best Practice 3: Test and Optimise

Test your messages to optimise your campaign for maximum impact. Test different messages, send times, and segmentation to find the best combination.


Summer Sale NOW LIVE!

Up to 60% OFF selected items

Shop Now >> www.yourstore.co.uk

Extra 10% off with code ‘SMS10’

Hurry, exp midnight

Unsub tg.gbl/H6i8eG


SMS marketing is a powerful tool to increase your online sales. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create an effective SMS marketing plan to reach your customers and drive sales. Remember to set your goals, define your audience, choose your SMS platform, craft effective messages, and measure your success. With the right strategy, SMS marketing can help you boost your online sales and grow your business.

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