Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
Five reasons why SMS text is the best marketing method

Five reasons why SMS text is the best marketing method

Just because something is old doesn’t mean it can’t be the best. This applies to SMS marketing in UK as well. SMS text messages have been around a long time, much longer than social media and other types of ads available today. But there is a reason this marketing technique has been able to stick around for so long, and that is because it’s truly the most direct way to deliver your promotional message. Is there one person you know who doesn’t own a mobile phone? Your answer is probably no, and this is one of the reasons why SMS text messages are the best marketing method. Let’s dive into the other reasons and see why else you should have an SMS marketing campaign.


Fast and Easy

Starting off with the most obvious reason, sending out SMS messages is fast and easy. Where with emails, you would have to write a long text, think of a subject line, attach attention-grabbing images, and so on, an SMS is only 160 characters. So you can just say hello, promote your sale or new product range, and you are good to go. It’s also great if your sale or discount is time-sensitive, so a customer will check out the SMS and get on your site immediately. SMS text messages are also easy to send out when you use an intuitive tool like Text Global’s Enterprise Platform. You just import your contacts, write your message, and we will do the rest for you.


Personal and Customized

In the age of technology, there is nothing people crave more than genuine connections. Marketing through SMS tends to feel more authentic and genuine compared to generic emails. An SMS can be easily customized to include the customers name and a hint to their recent purchase. SMS text messages can also be used for birthday wishes, holiday greetings, and other non-promotional messages that help build a connection with the customer and make them feel appreciated.



People get many promotional emails that usually end up in the junk folder every day, which is just more competition for you. Meanwhile, with an SMS, you will end up immediately on the lock screen of your customer, who may just take that few seconds to check out your message. Most people with their notifications turned on will also be alerted of your message, so it’s highly likely that they will see your message.



An SMS can be crafted by you, written by you, and sent by you. Marketing with ads on social media and other popular techniques can be hard on your budget, especially if you are a smaller or newer business. But with SMS marketing, you can promote your products and services without breaking the bank. SMS marketing is definitely the most affordable style of marketing and the one where you have lost control of the budget. Our customizable Enterprise Platform is here for you, no matter your budget. Contact us today to get started, and we will help plan out your SMS marketing campaign to fit your needs!


In Conclusion

SMS text marketing is quick, customizable, and easy. It reaches your customers instantly and makes sure they are aware of your discounts, offers, and so on. These messages are also short and sweet, so you aren’t wasting your customers time with a long promotional email full of distracting images. So, if you aren’t SMS marketing, you are surely missing out. Now get to writing your message and reaching out to your customers!

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