Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
How to increase online orders using SMS Text Marketing!

How to increase online orders using SMS Text Marketing!

Did you know that an SMS message has a 98% average open rate while an email only has 20% In today’s digital age, texting is the go-to form of communication of Millennials and members of Generation Z. No one is opening emails anymore, especially if those are ads, so if you aren’t promoting via SMS text, then you are missing out. Here are a few techniques to increase online orders and revenue using SMS marketing.


Best SMS Marketing Practices

Before you dive into the type of messages you should be sending and other detailed steps, make sure you know the basics for SMS marketing success.

1. Always get permission

Never spam people with unwanted messages. Not only is it annoying for these customers, but it may also get you into legal trouble. Instead, take the time to ask for permission to send promotional SMS text messages. Once you have permission, don’t overdo it, or else these customers may easily unsubscribe.

2. Use an SMS marketing tool

Typing out hundreds of text messages on your phone is time-consuming and tiring. Instead, you can use our SMS Marketing Platform with features to help you manage your customer lists, understand whether your customers are engaging or not, and pre-schedule messages.

3. Add value for your customers

When you reach out with an SMS message, make sure you have something to show the customers. This can be a unique sale, a time-sensitive offer, event information, or introduction to new services and products.

4. Keep it short and sweet

Be as clear and concise as possible. Everyone is busy, and no one really wants to use their free time reading a paragraph on their phone. Avoid sending a thread of messages, as each 160 character SMS text costs 1 credit per message which can be costly.


Trigger-based transactional SMS Marketing

A transactional SMS is a text message that is triggered by a specific action from customers. These include signing up to receive notifications, finalizing an online order, or attending a certain event. The Text Global SMS API is the perfect tool to integrate service related SMS text messages. Remember to ask permission before sending marketing messages, just as you usually do for email.

1. Start with a welcome SMS.

Automated SMS texts are proven to improve customer experience and can also increase your brand recognition. Welcome new customers to your brand with an SMS and reinforce any benefits there are to signing up for notifications or your service. Try to showcase your unique brand and voice in these welcome messages.

2. Send order updates after a sale

Over 3.5 billion people have smartphones in the world, and not everyone uses social media or email. But everyone has a working mobile number. Sending updates on an order via text can keep your customers informed and happy. So, make sure to include shipping and expected delivery timelines in your update texts.

3. Activate date-triggered SMS marketing messages.

It is important to meet customers in moments that are important to them— like appointment reminders, birthdays, and cart notifications.
Update your database with customer information, engage with them via SMS on these important dates, and watch your online orders increase.


Broadcast SMS Marketing Messages

Broadcast SMS are text marketing messages that are sent in bulk from an SMS text marketing platform. Capture customers consent to receive SMS offers when they checkout online. Then, once they are subscribed, you can send well crafted SMS offers, optimised to generate site traffic and increase online orders. Stuck on how to write you SMS message content? Check out our strategy page.

1. Showcase new arrivals for purchase

Update your customers and viewers of any new product drops by using SMS marketing messages. Time-sensitive news such as new arrivals and releases should be delivered via SMS. These updates will drive your online traffic and will get customers onto your site.

2. Use SMS to promote flash sales

When it comes to sales and blowouts, urgency is of the utmost importance. Around 54% of all consumers like receiving marketing SMS messages, but only about 10% of businesses send them. So let your customers know of a sale happening at your store to drive traffic to your site. An SMS is also a great opportunity to generate long-term customer loyalty. When sending these messages, especially consider your customers who have previously made purchases and may want to repeat their order.

3. Get to the point with seasonal updates.

The holidays are a peak point for shopping, so dive into this extra revenue by updating customers on mobile. Send personalized SMS alerts during the holiday season to let your customers know they can come to you for the perfect gifts.

As you can see, SMS marketing can actually be easy. Take the time to figure out what type of message you want to send, ask for permission, and use our SMS marketing platform to send bulk SMS text marketing campaigns in minutes. With average response times of just 90 seconds, just sit back and watch your online orders increase!

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