Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
The 5 Benefits of SMS Marketing – How does it work?

The 5 Benefits of SMS Marketing How does it work?

In today’s world, businesses need to implement digital marketing strategies to stay relevant and impactful. While the internet has opened many doors for businesses, it has also made it challenging to stand out from the crowd and reach your target audience. If you’re looking for a simple but effective way to connect with customers, SMS marketing might be just what you need. Read on to discover the 5 benefits of SMS marketing. 


What is SMS Marketing?

SMS stands for Short Message Service. It’s a simple way to communicate with customers via their phone. A simple and effective marketing strategy that can be used with any product or service. SMS marketing reaches out to customers on a personal level, enabling you to create a more personal connection with your customers and build loyalty.


Why You Should Start an SMS Marketing Campaign

SMS marketing is a simple, cost-effective way to stay connected with your customers. Furthermore, it’s quick to set up, easy to manage, and can be automated via an SMS API Gateway. Text messages can be sent at any time, without any preparation or scheduling. You can send a promotional or a transactional message to your customers to engage them and drive sales. SMS marketing can be used to build relationships with customers, educate them about your products or services, and interact with them on a personal level. SMS text can also be used for transactional service updates like appointment confirmations, notifications, One Time Passcodes (OTPs), business continuity or reminder texts. 


5 benefits of SMS Marketing

1. Personalised Marketing – SMS marketing enables you to connect with your customers on a personal level. You can send them a message on their preferred communication channel. This helps you stand out from the competition as you target your customers based on their needs and preferences.

2. Saves Time – Sending out an SMS marketing campaign takes very little time, as compared to other marketing strategies, and allows you to reach your customers quickly. SMS marketing can also be scheduled to be sent out at a later date or time.

3. Trackable – SMS marketing allows you to track the number of people who receive your message and the message they received. This allows you to measure the impact of your campaign and make necessary changes to improve the results. Simply use a discount code to track sales conversions or a trackable URL link to monitor click through rates.

4. Cost Effective – Sending an SMS message is far less expensive than making a phone call or sending an email. This makes it an ideal marketing strategy for businesses on a limited budget.

5. Direct – SMS open rates are a staggering 95-98%, compared to around 20% for email marketing. Meaning, SMS marketing leverages 5x more exposure and engagement. 


How Does SMS Marketing Work?

Simply download existing customers data from your eCommerce platform, website, CRM or database. Import the data to our SMS Platform, buy ‘SMS Text Credits’ and then setup your SMS text marketing campaign. It really is that easy! Make sure SMS texts are only sent to those who have subscribed to marketing and include a facility for the customer to unsubscribe. Our team is on hand to support you all the way and help with developing a bespoke SMS marketing strategy.



SMS marketing is a simple but effective way to reach out to customers, build relationships, and drive sales. It’s also an affordable marketing strategy, especially for small businesses on a limited budget. With these benefits, it’s a great idea to start an SMS marketing campaign to reach out to your customers, engage them, and increase loyalty.

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